Thursday, June 25, 2009

Zog: Hounds Put Maroons to the Sword, 16-7

For game 7 of our Zog season, it was over to DeWitt Clinton Park in Hell's Kitchen. It wouldn't be a Hounds game without some pre-game rain drama, and Mother Nature did not disappoint. The turf field held up really well though and it was game on. The first place Maroons were in the opposing dugout anxiously watching our b.p. as they waited for their players to arrive. We were able to warm up nicely and went into the game knowing we needed to win and with lots of confidence that we could do it.
Margaret was starting pitcher and as usual she set a great tone. She got ahead in counts and never let the Maroons get comfortable. The defense behind her was stellar, and for the first 3 innings we were able to shut them out. Meanwhile, Home Runs from Dave and Mega got us on the board. 
From there both teams exchanged blows, they cut the score to 3-2 before we stormed out in front again. They again made it close at 8-7. We never let them take the lead though and we then blew the game open in the 6th inning. In the top of the 7th we shut them down 1-2-3. Final Score: Hounds 16, Maroons 7. Our two game losing streak is over and our record now stands at a very respectable 5 and 2.
Props have to go all around. I think this was our most complete team victory yet. Everybody scored a run in this game, that kind of balanced attack can lead us all the way to the promised land. Well done, Hounds.